Lets get on to the most useful part of file manipulation, writing.
The function used to write is called fwrite.
Before we can write to a file we have to open the file using fopen function.
The $fh variable contains the file handle for testFile.txt.
The file handle knows the current file pointer, which for writing, starts out at the beginning of the file.
We wrote to the file testFile.txt twice.
Each time we wrote to the file we sent the string $stringData that first contained Bobby Bopper and second contained Tracy Tanner.
After we finished writing we closed the file using the fclose function.
If you were to open the testFile.txt file in NOTEPAD it would look like this:
When you open an existing file for writing with function fopen all the data contained in the file is wiped clean and you start with an empty file.
In the example bel;ow we open an existing file and write some new data into it.
If you now open the testFile.txt file you will see that Bobby and Tracy have both vanished, as we expected, and only the data we just wrote is present.
For more detail please see Php Manual at http://www.php.net